Welcome to my author’s site! I’m so grateful you made it here and hope you’ll appreciate your visit. Like all words writers add to the blank page, the act of writing is for me a way to respond to the abundant world, as perceived by our senses, and to the breadth of literature between the pages of each book. Every book on that shelf becomes a keyhole to a universe of experiences. Writing, like all art, like breathing, has become for me a way to stay alive, to be in this world, to connect.

Shattered Fossils
Shattered Fossils, a collection of short stories, takes its title from themes of the irretrievable past.
Buy from Guernica EditionsAlso available on:

News & Events
Reading at the Sooke Library – August 13, 2023
Sharon will be reading at the Sooke Library in Sooke, B.C. along with Su Sokol and Paula Johanson on August 13 at 12:30 p.m
LCP Chapbook Series Launch – Apr. 24, 2022
The League will be launching their LCP Chapbook Series. Sharon's poem “Time is this when sung: the haunting of the loon” is published in the memorial chapbook Leap, dedicated to Lesley Strutt and her poems celebrating nature.
Evening at the League of Canadian Poets – Apr. 14, 2022
Sharon was part of a beautiful evening of poetry, reading from her upcoming collection at the League of Canadian Poets New Members in Québec Reading.